Marantz 1300 DC

Gestart door NICOR, maart 04, 2012, 16:16:50

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Citaat van: NICOR op maart 22, 2012, 09:25:25
Ken juist beslist voor hem te houden en binnenkort te laten reviseren  door SB Marantz  pompom

word hij geserviced door senior of junior
Om een filter te doen werken moeten er natuurlijk wel storingen aanwezig zijn, Tja dat is wel een dingetje.

                                         MicroMega DUSON Lenovo NOKIA Sony FXAudio Pro-ject


Junior speelt al geregeld met le Fluke en scope dus dat komt wel goed.  clown1

Perfecte assistent!!  notworthy
Facts count.



Hij is niet bijzonder  alleen wat zeldzamer en  de grootste  van de serie.

Hoop werk aan zo'n ding.  De  1300DC is  wat  ouder, lijkt  erg veel op de Pm-8.
Herstel  de  oude  glorie  van marantz!!


Waarom vind jij deze NIET bijzonder?

Topology wise??
Facts count.



Dit was pas een hoop werk!

Deze was helemaal spannend.
Iemand kreeg deze niet gerepareerd en haalde alle componenten eraf.

Ik heb deze dus vanaf nul moeten opbouwen.

Al een eindje op weg met een kanaal...........

Transistoren op beta matchen:

Het afregelen:


Facts count.



Citaat van: SB_Marantz op maart 22, 2012, 10:30:54
Waarom vind jij deze NIET bijzonder?

Topology wise??

Ja  deels,  Het is een  indrukwekkende versterker om te zien.  En qua  klank vind ik hem ook niet  bijzonder, Ik heb dan liever de 1300Dc.

Ik heb die foto inderdaad  gezien dat alles  gestript  was.  Wat vreemd.  Ik heb een reVox B285  die  op alle  functies  wel ergens was  gestript.   Heb alles  kunnen bestellen (europees  :roll: )  werkt weer  prima. 
Herstel  de  oude  glorie  van marantz!!


Citaat van: SB_Marantz op maart 22, 2012, 10:39:16
Dit was pas een hoop werk!

Deze was helemaal spannend.
Iemand kreeg deze niet gerepareerd en haalde alle componenten eraf.

Ik heb deze dus vanaf nul moeten opbouwen.

Ik heb je op een ander forums wel eens gevraagd waarom je hem opnieuw hebt opgebouwd, nooit antwoord gehad  :cry:
Het feit dat licht sneller gaat dan geluid kan mogelijk verklaren dat iemand een helder licht lijkt, totdat hij begint te praten...


Kwas juist aan het kijken op ebay wat maakt die Pm 8 zo speciaal de specs zijn indrukwekkend al moet ik toegeven niet alles te verstaan?


Citaat van: i2Paq op maart 22, 2012, 20:07:48
Ik heb je op een ander forums wel eens gevraagd waarom je hem opnieuw hebt opgebouwd, nooit antwoord gehad  :cry:

Het spijt me , vergeef me.  :-D

Is overduidelijk toch?

Facts count.



Citaat van: SB_Marantz op maart 22, 2012, 20:55:43

Het spijt me , vergeef me.  :-D

Is overduidelijk toch?
Effe wachten.......Effe wachten...nog effe wachten?
versterker NAD D3020
Kef Q300
Denon pma1500AE


Facts count.



Citaat van: SB_Marantz op maart 22, 2012, 20:55:43

Het spijt me , vergeef me.  :-D

Is overduidelijk toch?

Ja, het is een bijzonder apparaat  :yes:

Beetje a la Luxman uiterlijk gezien  :kwijl:
Het feit dat licht sneller gaat dan geluid kan mogelijk verklaren dat iemand een helder licht lijkt, totdat hij begint te praten...


Als het nu e.o.a. kringloop ding geweest was had ik het al lang in de kliko gedonderd.
Facts count.



Gekregen van een vriend op dit forum!Intressant voor mij toch,had deze ook al gevonden nu op deze forum door JHON WX!

MARANTZ Timeline
1950 - 2003

The following timeline comes from a Stereo Sound special edition dedicated to Marantz
published in 2003. The book was meant to be distributed to key people in the industry but
not to be available for sale... The quality and thoroughness of it are one thing, the other is
that, for once, this Stereo Sound publication saw an english edition !
I'm sure the Stereo Sound editorial dept. won't mind me bringing this online as it will help
put an end to the many misconceptions and erroneous assumptions so far present online,
especially the Philips/DynaScan/Superscope split ownerships.

I will try later on to bring several other specific features of this sadly unavailable book and
will manage to bring the many tidbits of info throughout the pages of TVK.
In the meantime... enjoy !

Year   Key   Components   Main   Time Frame
1911   Saul B. Marantz' birth in Brooklyn on july 11.   -   -   Japan-USA new trade agreement
1923   Sidney Stockton Smith's birth in Winnetka, Illinois.   -   -   -
1951   Saul B. Marantz begins manufacturing the
Audio Consolette in New York   -   -   Ultra Linear (UL) circuit
1952   -   Audio Consolette (Model 1 original version) vacuum tube monaural preamp. Compliant with 36 types of SP/LP record EQ curves. Two-stage P-K feedback type phono EQ. Uses 12AX7 and 12AU7 in a three-tube structure. 155$ with cabinet, selling at least until 1955.      -
1953   Marantz Company established in Long Island, New York (44-15 Vernon Blvd.)   -   -   RIAA equalizer standard in june.
1953   Standard Wireless Radio Corporation established in Setagaya, Tokyo. SRC was established as Hokushin Kogyo K.K. on may 10, 1946, in Tokyo.   -   -   First TV broadcast by NHK (february) ; first TV broadcast by Nippon Television (NTV) in august.
1954   Sidney Stockton Smith joins Marantz.   Model 1 vacuum tube monaural preamp employing RIAA EQ and tape monitor circuit. Two-stage P-K feedback phono EQ ; 12AX7 three-tube structure. With cabinet: 168$>171$ ; without cabinet: 153$.      Acoustic Research AR1.
1956   Sidney Stockton Smith is the Chief engineer for the Model 2.   Model 2 vacuum tube monaural power-amplifier. Output stage is 6CA7 p-p, output with UL connection 40W, with triode connection 20W. Uses variable damping (VDFC) mechanism, AC/DC balance/bias adjusting mech., triple circuit input terminal. Uses 1x 12AX7/ECC83, 1x 6CG7, 2x 6CA7/EL34 and 2x 6AU4GTA tubes. (198$>219$)      -
1957   Marantz Company relocates to 25-14 Broadway, Long Island 6, NY.   
Model 3 electronic crossover. Monaural 2-way type. 12 selectable frequencies: 100 / 150 / 220 / 350 / 500 / 700Hz / 1 / 1,5 / 2,2 / 3,5 / 5 / 7kHz. 12dB/octave slope. Uses 12AX7 in three-tube structure. Without cab. with power-supply: 90$ ; with cabinet: 105$.

   First FM Broadcast test by NHK.
1957   -   
The Type 4 power-supply can be used with Model 1 or Model 3 ; it uses a selenium rectifier.

1958   -   Model 5 vacuum tube monaural power-amplifier. Output stage is 6CA7 p-p, output with UL connection is 30W. Basic circuitry is the same as Model 2, rationalized for use as multi-amplifier. Uses 1x 6BH6, 1x 6CG7, 2x 6CA7/EL34 and 1x GZ34 tubes. Without grille: 147$ ; with grille: 154,50$.      AMPEX color VTR.
1958   -   Model 6 stereo adapter for Model 1: 45$.
Two types available: Model 6H (vertical) or Model 6V (horizontal).      EIA and RIAA establish the 45/45 system as standard for recording and reproducing stereo records
1958   Flavio Blanco participates to the development of the Model 7. Blanco will later be responsible for development and design of the solid-state amps as technical dept. head in the amplifier section of the Company.   Model 7 vacuum tube stereo preamplifier released in december. Uses six ECC83/12AX7 tubes, three-stage NF eq and NF step-switch tone control.. Without cabinet: 249$ ; with cabinet: 273$.      -
1959   In september, Standard Radio Corp. begins production and sales of tape recorders.   Model 8(A) vacuum tube stereo power-amplifier. Together with the Model 8B, was the only vacuum tube Type 1 power supply power amplifier produced by Marantz. The Model 8(A) is also know as the stereo model that combines two Model 5 in one chassis. Power supply section is a voltage doubler rectifier system with silicon diode. Output stage is 6CA7 p-p, output with UL connection 2x 30W. Uses 2x 6BH6, 2x 6CG7 and 4x 6CA7/EL34 tubes. Without grille: 237$ ; with grille: 246$.   -   -
1960   In march, Standard Radio Corp. establishes its new Sagamihara production facility in Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture.   Model 9 and Model 9R vacuum tube monaural power-amplifier. Output stage is 6CA7 parallel p-p, output with UL connection 70W, with triode connection 40W. Uses 2x 6DJ8/ECC88, 1x 6CG7 and 4x 6CA7/EL34 tubes. First vacuum tube amp to use a front panel. Uses active low-cut filter, phase switching, crossover NF circuit and elaborate phase correction. Power supply is a voltage double rectifier with silicon diode.
Standard type: 324$>384$ ; rack-mounted Model 9R: 354$>414$.      Acoustic Research AR3.
1961   In march, Standard Radio Corp. establishes its new Sagamihara production facility in Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture.   Model 8B tube stereo power-amplifier, improved version of Model 8(A) with increased output of 2x 35W. Basic circuit of the Model 8B is that of the Model 9, and the Model 8B also uses crossover NF circuitry and elaborate phase correction system. Power supply is a voltage double rectifier with silicon diode. Uses 2x 6BH6, 2x 6CG7 and 4x 6CA7/EL34 tubes. With grille: 258$>273$ ; Without grille: 249$>264$.      The FCC adopts Zenith/GE system for standard FM broadcasting.
1961   Richard Sequerra joins Marantz.   -   -    FM stereo broadcasting begins in USA.
1962   Merged into "Standard Radio Corp." (february). SRC begins production of communications eequipment in april. SRC listed in the 2nd tier of Tokyo Stock Exchange (september).   Marantz announces a new concept by using an oscilloscope tube for multipath/tuning indicator in a prototype of the Model 10 FM tuner ; The Chief Engineer is Richard Sequerra.   -   -
1963   Merged into "Standard Radio Corp." (february). SRC begins production of communications eequipment in april. SRC listed in the 2nd tier of Tokyo Stock Exchange (september).   Model 10B vacuum tube FM tuner with 3" oscilloscope. 650$.      Philips releases the first Compact Cassette recorder.
1963   -   SLT-12 record player with linear tracking tonearm.      -
1964   Superscope takes over management of the Marantz Company in America.   -   -   -
1965   Marantz moves from New York to California.   Model 7T solid-state preamplifier, sold through Nippon Gakki in Japan (aka Yamaha).      Development of Dolby A noise-reduction.

Sony launches the ES series.
1966   Superscope plans to launch mid-range and receiver departments requests developments to japanese manufacturers. SRC's prototype is adopted.   Model 15 solid-state stereo power-amplifier ; dual-mono structure, 2x70W (4Ohm). Sold through Nippon Gakki in Japan (aka Yamaha) in 1967, with wood enclosure. 395$.      -
1967   -   Model 18 solid-state receiver equipped with FM tuner and oscilloscope ; 2x 35W. 595$.   -   Kenwood Supreme 1
1968   Domestic marketing dept. established as independent body: Standard Sales Corporation (known as STS) is established. Through STS, the domestic sales of Marantz products begins.   -   -   Sheffield Labs markets records made by direct cutting.
1968   Saul B. marantz retires as president of Marantz Co.   -   -   -
1969   SRC establishes a retail company, Standard Communications Corporation USA in Los Angeles in january ; share-holding ratio: 50%.   Model 16 solid-state stereo power-amplifier, released through STS. dual-mono structure, 2x100W.      NHK begins FM broadcasting.

Philips starts working on optical discs read by lasers.
1969   -   Imperial Series (I>V) speaker systems released, with Mitsubishi Electric as OEM (aka Diatone).
Only the Imperial III is sold in Japan.   -   SQ system ready to be launched.
1970   Saul B. Marantz helps establish the Dahlquist company and becomes a production development consultant together with Sidney Smith.   Model 33 solid-state stereo preamp, 1st model to use differential circuit,
Model 30 solid-state integrated amplifier ; 2x 60W,
Model 22J solid-state receiver ; 2x 40W,
Model 27J solid-state receiver ; 2x 30W.
Model 26J solid-state receiver ; 2x 14W.
Model 24J solid-state preamp with FM/AM tuner,
Model 23J FM/AM tuner.      FM Tokyo begins broadcasting.
1971   -   
Model 32 power-amp (through STS) ; 2x 60W

-   U-Matic video standard (Sony+JVC)
1971   -   
Limited importation of Model 20 FM tuner (through STS). The Model 20 is a solid-state tuner based on the Model 10B ; it also is the tuner section of the Model 18 receiver, modded by Marantz' main factory for japanese FM band.

-   -
1971   -   
Model 1200 (through STS) ; 2x 100W. Upgraded version of Model 30, with reinforced power-supply and produced completely with printed circuit boards.

1971   -   
Model 250 power-amplifier (through STS) ; 2x 125W. Left/Right unified and reinforced power-supply.

1971   SRC increases capital through third-party capitalization by Superscope in october ; share-holding: 50%.   
Model 500 power-amplifier announced ; 19" rack-mount type.

-   -
1972   Superscope establishes its japanese retail company, Marantz Far East (MFE) in Hiroo, Shibuya-ku, Toko. MFE begins to operate in october.   
Model 120J FM/AM tuner with oscilloscope (through STS, with wood enclosure)

-   -
1972   Marantz' US headquarters are now at 8150 Vineland Avenue, Sun Valley, CA91532.   
Model 500 power-amp (through MFE) ; 2x 250W. Parallel p-p, pure complementary OCL, AB1 type with differential circuit at first stage. Equipped with level meters and cooling fan.

1972   -   Model 3300 power-amp (through MFE) ; based on Model 33, with widespread simplification of each unit amplifier.      -
1972   Kumamoto Standard Corporation and Miyako Standard Corporation established.   Model 240 power-amp (through MFE) ; version of Model 250 without level meters.      -
1973   Standard Sales Corporation (STS) changes its name to Standard Trading Corporation.   
Model 120J FM/AM tuner with oscilloscope (through STS, with wood enclosure)

-   -
1973   Takada Standard Corporation established.   Model 1200 (through MFE) ; 2x 100W, reinforced power supply and complete PCB structure.
Model 1120 (through MFE) ; 2x 60W.   -   Ampex A standard 1" VTR
1973   -   Model 1060 and Model 1030 released through MFE - the company's first 100% domestically produced model (Model 1060).      -
1973   -   Model 120, Model 115 and Model 105 FM/AM tuners released through MFE ; Model 120 with wood enclosure and oscilloscope.   -   -
1973   -   Marantz 7, Marantz 6G, Marantz 5G and Marantz 4G speaker systems (through MFE)   -   -
1974   -   
Model 1200B (through MFE ; case sold separately, refined parts and wiring).
Model 120B (through MFE ; with case) ; with PLL-IC in MPX section.
Model 115B (through MFE ; case sold separately) ; with PLL-IC in MPX section.

   Yamaha NS-1000
Yamaha B-1
1974   -   
Model 9 and Model 8 speaker systems (through MFE)

1974   -   
Model 105B (through MFE ; case sold separately).
Model 3600 preamplifier (through MFE ; case sold separately) ; redesigned with black acryl upper panel.

1975   Corporate name changed from Standrad Radio Corporation to Marantz Japan, Inc.   
Marantz 7 MarkII, Marantz 6G MarkII, Marantz 5G MarkII and Marantz 4G MarkII speaker systems (through MFE)

   Yamaha B-2
1975   Models 1040, 1070, 1120, 3600, 3300, 500, 250, 240, 125 and 120B are voted Best Buy by Stereo Sound magazine.   Model 1040 (through MFE ; new design).
Model 1070 (through MFE ; new design).
Model 125 (through MFE).
Model 124 (through MFE).      -
1975   -   Model 1150 (through MFE) ; case sold separately.
Model 510M (through MFE) ; 2x 256W ; radiator uses finger heat dissipator, achieving miniaturization while retaining large output.      -
1975   -   Model 3200 (through MFE)
Model 140 (through MFE)   -   -
1976   Standard Trading Corporation and Marantz Far East merge to form Marantz Sales (MS).   
Model 3200 (through MS)
Model 112 (through MS)
Model 1250 (through MS) ; employs Tritone control
Model 150 mkII (through MS) ; reinforced power-supply

1976   -   Model 250M (through MS) ; case sold separately
Model 150 (through MS) ; case sold separately
Model P3600 (through MS) ; case sold separately
Model P510M (through MS) ; case sold separately      -
1977   Edmond A. May designs the HD-88 and Model 940.   
HD-88 (through MS)
Model 940 / 930 / 920 / 900 speaker systems (through MS)
Model 6300 (through MS) ; DD turntable
Model 6200 (through MS) ; belt turntable
Model 6100 (through MS) ; belt turntable

   Sony TA-N7B
1977   -   Model 3250 (through MS) ; with MC preamp, Tritone and continuously variable loudness control.
Model 170DC (through MS) ; company's first DC amplifier structure.      -
1977   -   Model 1180 (through MS) ; DC structure and continuously variable loudness control.
Model 1152 / 1122 / 1090 (through MS)
Model 2100 / 2120 (through MS)      -
The Model 510M wins the 1st State of the Art Award from Stereo Sound.

Model 7K, 8BK and 9K replica kits announced at the 1978 Fall Audio Fair.

Sc-7 (through MS)
Sm-7 (through MS)
Pm-8 (through MS)
St-8 (through MS)

   Magnavision is launched in the US with many Philips patents.
1979   Model 7K, 8BK and 9K replica kits released.

Ken Ishiwata joins Marantz.   
Sc-6 (through MS)
Sm-6 (through MS)
Pm-6 (through MS)
Pm-5 (through MS)
Ma-5 (through MS)
Ad-5 (through MS)

   Sony's Walkman on sale.
1979   The Sm 1000 is designed by Mike Castor and wins Stereo Sound's second State of the Art Award.   SD-6000 (through MS) ; double-speed deck
St-5 (through MS)
Tt 1000 (through MS) [built by Micro Seiki]
Tt-7 (through MS)
Sm 1000 (through MS)      -
Superscope sells all of its shares in Marantz Japan (50%) to N.V. Philips of Holland in december.

Superscope sells its trademark rights and marketing rights worldwide, except for the USA and Canada to N.V. Philips of Holland.

Sc-9 (through MJ)
Sm-9 (through MJ)
Pm-8 mkII (through MJ)
St-8 mkII (through MJ)

    D.A.D. Committee.
1980   Philips now owns 43% of all Marantz/Superscope/SRC holdings.

It seems Philips didn't purchase the US MArantz because Philips USA, already burdened by Magnavox, Sylvania, Philco and Philips didn't want a fifth brand to manage. Also, Philips was then spending 7% (!!) of its income for the development of CD so a decision had to be made...   Pm-4 (through MJ)
Sm-10 (through MJ)
Tt 1000S (through MJ)
SC-50 / SM-50 / ST-50 (through MJ)   

1980   Marantz Japan (MJ) inherits Marantz' sales trading rights from Superscope.   Ad-6 (through MJ)
SD-5010 (through MJ) ; linear skating loading system      -

Pm-6a (through MJ) ; with Quarter-A bias system
Sc-8 (through MJ)
Sm-8 (through MJ)
Sc 1000 (through MJ)
Sm 700 (through MJ)

   Philips/Sony CD standard adopted.

Philips DAC1
1981   -   PM-70 (through MJ) ; with graphic equalizer
ST-55 (through MJ)
EQ-20 (through MJ)   -   Pioneer revigorate (or takes over) Magnavision/Laservision with Laserdisc.

CD-63 (october ; through MJ)
Mc-1000 (december ; through MJ)

   CD is launched in october in Japan.

PM-84 (through MJ) ; with Quarter-A and AVSS.
SC-11 (through MJ)
SM-11 (through MJ)
MA-6 (through MJ)
CD-73 (through MJ ; april)
SD-930 (through MJ ; august)

   CD is launched worldwide in march.

PM-64 (through MJ) ; with AVSS
PM-54 (through MJ) ; with AVSS
CD-84 (through MJ) ; 4x oversampling and Z filter
CD-54 (through MJ) 4x oversampling and digital filter
ST-64 (through MJ ; april)
SD-64 (through MJ ; august)

The PM-94 wins the Components of the Year Award from Stereo Sound.

PM-94 (through MJ from july) ; with Quarter-A, MOS-FET and 3-stage parallel structure
DPM-7 (through MJ) digital processing amp ; 2x 100W and DSP (the DPM-7 was advertised but never actually sold)

   Philips DAC2



ST-64 (through MJ ; april)
SD-64 (through MJ ; august)

1985   -   RV-55 and RV-6 surround processors
CD-34 (february)
SD-74 (march)      -
1985   -   
CD-65 (december)
CD-45 and CD-25 (november)
LV-1CD (march) ; LV/CD player [built by Pioneer]


PM-84D (june)
PM-74D (march)
PM-54D (february)
CD-94 (december) ; with PCM output and CDM-1
CD-650 (november)
CD-75 (november) ; with CDM-2
CDA-94 (december) ; d/a converter

Completion of new Sagamihara factory.

Joseph Tushinsky retires from Superscope and sells Marantz USA to Dynascan.

PM-94 Limited (may)
MA-7 (april)
CD-94 Limited (february)
CDA-94 Limited (april)
PM-64AV (july)
PM-54DS (november)
DLT-1 ; line transformer

   Black Monday: NY stock market crash
The PM-95 wins the Components of the Year Award from Stereo Sound.

PM-95 (october) ; built-in d/a
PM-75 (october) ; built-in d/a
DAC-1 (august) ; Music Link preamplifier
CD-99DR (december) ; CD transport with CDM-1
CD-880J (april)
CD-95 (november) ; with A version S1 type d/a


PM-80 (october) ; Class AB or Class A
DMA-1 (april) ; Music Link nomaural amplifier
CD-99DR (december) ; CD transport with CDM-1
CD-880J (april)
CD-95 (november) ; with A version S1 type d/a

   Philips DAC3

PM-50 (august)
CD-80 (september) ; with CDM-1 mkII
CD-60 (august)
CD-50 (july)
SD-60 (july) ; with HX-Pro

-   -
DynaScan sells its Marantz trademark and marketing rights in the USA and Canada to N.V. Philips of Holland ; the Marantz brand is integrated under Philips (MCJ, Marantz Company of Japan).

PM-88SE (october) ; Special Edition of PM-80
CD-99SE (october) ; Special Edition of CD-95
SD-66SE (october)

   MUSE Laserdisc ready to be launched in Japan.
Main Marantz engineers:
Kunihiro Kato (hifi & pro.)
Ryuichi Sawada (loudspeakers)
Tetsuya Onagi (CD players)
Yoshiyuki Tanaka (project manager)
Yoshio Miyazaki (amplifiers)
Ken Ishiwata (master tweaker)

PM-90 (october) ; Class A or AB and 4-gang active volume control
PH-1 (august) Music Link phono equalizer
MA-7A (august) ; Class A monaural amplifier
CD-72 (november) ; with 1Bit d/a
Tt 1000 mkII ; limited edition
[aka Music Link Tt 1000 ; parts manufactured in Japan, seemingly assembled in Germany]

   Financial bubble bursting.

AX1000 (july) ; audio signal processor/computer
CDR-1 (november) ; 1st professional CD-R recorder

   Philips DAC7
The CD-15 wins the Components of the Year Award from Stereo Sound.

PM-99SE (september) ; Class A or AB Special Edition of PM-90 with HDAM
SC-23 (june) Music Link preamplifier
MA-23 (june) ; Music Link monaural amplifier
CD-15 (october) ; with HDAM, DAC7 and CDM-4MD
DD-92 (october) ; DCC recorder with DAC7

   Philips DCC
Sony MiniDisc
The PM-15 wins the Components of the Year Award from Stereo Sound.

Exclusive marketing rights acquired to sale of B&W loudspeakers in Japan.

PM-15 (november)
PM-99SE NM (june) ; 40th anniversary model based on PM-99SE
PM-80a (march)
PM-62 (march)
CD-16 (october) ; with DAC7, HDAM and CDM-4MD
CD-72a (october) ; with DAC7, HDAM and CDM-4

   Philips withdraws from Laserdisc.
1993   An executive from Cobra (ex-DynaScan) obtains the rights to the Superscope brand and agrees with Philips to retain distribution rights to Marantz Professional Products in America.   
CD-63 (october) ; with 18Bit /8fs filter, 1Bit d/a and CDM-12
LT-1 (april) ; line transformer
SL-1 (march) ; passive attenuator

Hong-Kong office established, later known as Marantz Asia Ltd.

PM-88a SE (april) ; Special Edition of PM-80a
PM-44SE (february)
SC-5 (november) ; battery-operated preamp
SM-5 (november) ; DC drive/battery operated amplifier
CD-16SE (october) ; with DAC7, new HDAM and CDM-4MD

   D-VHS announcement.
1994   The SC-5 / BB-5 / SM-5 winDC drive/battery operated amplifierthe Components of the Year Award from Stereo Sound.   CD-23 (october) ; with DAC7, new HDAM and CDM-9PRO
CD-53 (april) ; with 18Bit /8fs filter, 1Bit d/a and CDM-12
PM711AV (june) ; audio-visual center
DC1020 (october) ; double cassette with CD player      -
The Project T1 wins the Components of the Year Award from Stereo Sound.

Project T1 (october) ; vacuum tube monaural amplifier
PM-16 (october) ; 1st use of current feedback amp. in power section
CD-17D (october) ; with DAC7, new HDAM and CDM-12.1
Replica versions of Model 7, Model 8B and Model 9 released (april)


PM-66SE (september)
PM-57 (november)
CD-16D (october) ; with 2x DAC7, DF7, CD7, dual HDAM, CDM-12.1 and digital inputs
CD-23D Limited (november) ; with DAC7, new HDAM, CDM-9PRO and digital inputs
CD-17 (march) ; with CDM-12.1

   Introduction of DVD standard.

CD-67 (april) ; with CDM-12.1
CD-63SE (april) ; with CDM-12.1, reinforced PS and more rigid chassis
CD-67SE (october) ; with CDM-12.1, reinforced PS and more rigid chassis
CM1040 (november) ; CD/MD deck

Saul. B Marantz dies at age 85, on january 16.

PM-17 (february) ; new variable HDAM and current feedback
PM-78 (october) ; Class A or AB
PM-68 (october)
SC-5 ver. 2 (september) ; reinforced PS, revision of unit amps
SM-5 ver. 2 (september) ; reinforced PS
ST-17 (october) ; with new HDAM and GyroTouch


CD-19 (september) ; with CDM-12.1
CD-67mk2 (september)
CD-67mk2 SE (september)
CD-57mk2 (september)
CM635 (october) ; CD/MD deck
ST-17 (october) ; with new HDAM and GyroTouch

-   -
The CD-7 wins the Components of the Year Award from Stereo Sound.

PM-14 (march) ; with current feedback
PM-19 (march) ; with current feedback
CD-7 (october) ; with TDA-1541 S2
CD-23Da (november) ; with DAC7, new HDAM and CDM-9
CD-17Da (september)
DR700 (november) ; CD recorder


Project D1 (march) ; d/a converter with TDA-1541 S2
MD-19 (november) ; MD recorder
Model 66 (october) ; tube integrated amplifier with EL34 p-p at output ; 2x 30W (UL), 2x 15W (triode)
Replica Model 7SE (june)
Replica Model 9SE (june)


PM-14SA (april) ; with current feedback amp and preamp
PM-17SA (september) ; with current feedback amp and preamp
SM-17SA (september) ; Class A or AB
DR-17 (may) ; CD recorder
CD-5000 and CD-6000OSE
CM6000 (november) ; CD/MD deck

   Introduction of SACD standard.
1999       DV7000 (october) ; DVD player, with HDAM
SA-1 (december) ; SACD player, with DAC7 and dual HDAM      

PM-6100SA and SM-6100SA
SA-14 (december) ; SACD/CD player with HDAM
DV-17 (october) ; THX Ultra DVD/CD player
DV7010 (october) ; DVD/CD player
DR6000 and DR6050 (june) ; CD recorders
SR-17EX (november) ; THX Ultra/Surround EX receiver


SR8000 (november) ; receiver with DTS/DD decoders
PS-17SA (december) ; AV receiver with current feedback amp and preamp
VP8100 (september) ; DLP projector

Marantz Japan buys the Marantz brand along european and american marketing rights from Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. in may ; the Marantz brand and Marantz Japan are reunified under new management (MJI, Marantz Japan Inc.).

SA-12S1 (july) ; multichannle SACD/CD/DVD player
DV-12S1 (september) ; DVD-Audio/DVD/CD player
PS5200 and PS7200 (july) ; A/V centers

2001   Marantz Europe B.V., Marantz UK Ltd., Marantz GmbH, Marantz France SAS, holding company Marantz Associates Corp., and subsidiary Marantz America Inc. established.   DV6200 (june) ; DVD/CD player
DR110 (june) ; CD recorder
CM6200 (june) ; CD/MD deck
VP-12S1 (december) ; DLP projector   

The MA-9S1 wins the Components of the Year Award from Stereo Sound.

SC-7S1 (april) ; preamp with high-speed current buffer and HDAM-SA
MA-9S1 (april) ; amp with full-balance high-speed current buffer and HDAM-SA
SA8260 (february) ; SACD/CD player
SA-14 ver.2 (november) ; SACD/CD player with differential structure HDAM and current feedback
SA-17S1 (november) ; SACD/CD player with Phantom center and 6-channel current feedback
DV8300 (may) ; multichannel SACD/DVD/CD with progressive scan output

Marantz and Denon integrate management to establish joint holding company D&M Holdings.
Tatsuo Kabumoto, CEO.

CD7300 (may) ; CD player with HDAM output
PM-14SA (september)
PM-17SA (october)
SM-17SA (october)
PS7300 (november) ; AV center with DTS96/24, DD EX, Circle Surround II and 6-channel current feedback

2002   Marantz Italy and Marantz Hong Kong established.   VP12-S2 (november) ; DLP projector with DMD HD2 (0,81) panel   -   -
Exclusive marketing rights acquired to sale of AudioQuest products in Japan on january 1st.

RC9200 (march) ; programmable remote center with Motorola 33MHz Dragonball
DV8400 (april) ; multichannel SACD/DVD/CD with NSV and progressive scan output
PS9200 ver. 2 (april) ; AV center with everything and 7-channel current feedback
PM8100SA ver. 2 (august)
PM6100SA ver. 2 (august)
SM6100SA ver. 2 (august)

Main Marantz engineers:
Mineo Sato
(industrial design)
Yasuhiro Sarashina
(amplifier development)
Tetsuya Onagi
Toshio Yamakawa
(chassis design)
Ryuichi Sawada
(quality control)
Eiichi Kamino
(AV video projector)
Hiroshi Kurosawa
(AV amplifier)
Satoshi Ozawa
(AV product planning)
Ken Ishiwata
(Marantz Ambassador)

PS5400 (september) ; AV Center
CD5400 (august) ; CD player
SA8400 (august) ; SACD/CD player
DV-12S2 (september) ; SACD/DVD-A/DVD/CD player
VP12-S3 (november)      -