SA-1 vs SA-7s1

Gestart door bonbon, maart 27, 2010, 23:01:17

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Jammer van SA-7, 211! :-(
* CD6006 * SA8003 * PM8005 * Quantis QE317 * Harbeth HL-P3ES-2 * Epos stands * Beyer DT880 Premium 250Ω * Senn HD25 II Aluminium * Pro-Ject Headbox S * Nintendo Switch *


Citaat van: 211 op maart 11, 2016, 15:48:19
Recentelijk een gebruikte SA-7S1 uit Duitsland kunnen bemachtigen.

In absolute nieuwstaat met verpakking en factuur... Gaaf...!!! De eerste indrukken waren gemengd : Erg mooi qua klankbeeld en super diepte met heel veel gevoel voor detail... Mahler, Bach, Brahms, Dvôrak... allemaal CD's die ik door en door ken.

Ogen dicht en wijntje er bij en genieten... Maar toch knaagt er iets. Zonder een directe vergelijking denk ik : Dit is zijdezacht. Mijn gehoor wordt gestreeld, maar niet gekieteld...

OK, Rammstein en Yellow er eens in. Hier wordt het vanaf de eerste tonen direct duidelijk!!!  Geen druk, geen schop in je noten...

Hop, NA-11 er naast (wat een luxe realiseer ik me).. A-B,B-A, kabels omwisselen weer A-B, B-A... enzovoort..

De NA-11 weet een veel "dramatischer" beeld neer te zetten voor zowel Klassiek maar zeker voor popmuziek. Voor Hardcore, trance e.d. valt de SA-7S1 helemaal af... gewoon te lief, netjes, aardig...

De ontwikkeling heeft klaarblijkelijk niet stil gestaan. De SA blijft als collectors item en voor SACD, maar voor de rest : NA-!! zonder enige twijfel...

PS : Als altijd, mijn mening op mijn set in mijn huis...

Nog even dit: :gp:
* CD6006 * SA8003 * PM8005 * Quantis QE317 * Harbeth HL-P3ES-2 * Epos stands * Beyer DT880 Premium 250Ω * Senn HD25 II Aluminium * Pro-Ject Headbox S * Nintendo Switch *


Hello everyone!

On this forum I came across recently, so my review will not be really up to date, but I hope that for someone will still be useful and help him to answer the question which is better SACD player, SA1 or SA7.

Since I was more than satisfied with Marantz SA1, at the moment when appeared SA7 my idea was to buy it and sell old SA1. I waited with the sale so that I had at home both models, but I have both now because I gave up from the sale. Now I will try to describe my impressions regarding the aforementioned players.


Both models are fantastically carved, but SA1 still something better, this is particularly evident when one beside the other, far from being the SA7 bad, but it can be seen that done with a smaller budget than SA1. From inside SA 1 looks like a million $ watch. When he came out SA1 cost is approximately 14,000 DM, which is recalculated 7000 E today, but then it is for 15,000 DM could buy a new VW Golf, with 7000 E today it is impossible. And it says something about the quality, and besides SA1 is the only model in the history of Marantz where the preparation is not financially set limit. Model SA7 is bigger and heavier, the colors are quite similar. Such quality final preparation has not many players in the market. This is comparable only with the Esoteric and DCS models of the new generation.

Working comfort

Both players are quiet and silent in operation, SA7 faster loaded TOC, faster respond to commands, but nothing dramatic. SA7 is comfortable, drawer opens and via remote, has CD text, the setting options filters, larger and clearer display. Both players are dual-channel only, SA7 has the possibility of outside clock. All of this is understandable, it is still a relatively new device.

The quality playback SACD and CD discs

The system and the place that the players is as follows:

X350 Pass, Pass X2, Magneplanar 3.7, B & W ASW3000 Sub (highly modified) adequate wiring, a height of 3m in length and 7m and  width 4.5m room

CDs, SACD used for comparison

Reiner Chicago Orchestra - Tchaikovsky - 1812 Overture - JVC XRCD  absolutely fantastic - must have
Anders Ohrwall - Handel - Messiah - FIM XRCD                                  ABSOLUTELY fantastic - must have
Stockholm Cathedral Choir - Now the Green Blade Riseth - Proprius XRCD
High End Audiophile Test Demo SACD - STS Digital - First Edition - Single Layer SACD
Sandra Bratland - Rosa Fra Bethlehem - Kirkelig Kulthurverksted - KKV - FXCD 121

Both players sounds similar, and it is a comparison possible only at the same time you have both players to test, so are similar. What is the same in both is that they play as good as the good shots that you put into them. When you play the best that the market can find (any of the above CD) only then U can see what they can, and what they sold Us under the "quality" recordings
Now, given the SA1 was so ahead of its time or is it all together a climax of the SACD player can do, nobody knows, generally it is difficult to market find something better, more expensive that it is not a problem. No one is more nor surprising when one player costs 30, 50 or even more thousands of euros ... Such I had nowhere to house them but I had the opportunity to listen. SA1 has a different bass, not deep but perhaps tougher and this is the biggest difference, width of the stereo image is the same as the depth. A focus was hard for me to speak, Magneplanars have expressed focus on the depth of the stage and emotions, quantity and fineness of detail and ease with which you pass the time when listening is amazing. If someone tells you that the SA1 better than SA7 or vice versa, based on listening or not in the same place and at the same time, do not trust him. Both players are top devices, the top of what is offered or are offered in the area. Do not be too long in this already long review, if you are interested in something else you should ask ...


The looks of the SA-1 aren't bad at all, but those of the SA-7S1 are really yummie, despite of the better specs of the first one. :kwijl:
* CD6006 * SA8003 * PM8005 * Quantis QE317 * Harbeth HL-P3ES-2 * Epos stands * Beyer DT880 Premium 250Ω * Senn HD25 II Aluminium * Pro-Ject Headbox S * Nintendo Switch *


Hi bibo,

Thanks for posting your review here, it's a great thing when having both devices so close to each other for reviewing.
I totally agree in hearing quality differences in recordings, the better the player the more you are confronted with less quality recordings.
Enjoy your SA7!
PM-11S1, SA-15S2, B&W CM10, SBT & BOTW


U are welcome Marantzer!........glad to share..

Yes, people are full of mouth really of high-res music and 99% of them does not know and had never heard how it works honestly and properly recorded & mastered red book CD on high end player. Just bought is ironic that in the market there are perhaps 100 top CD that justified to buy systems worth 20-30 thousand E or more. Instead of buying new components constantly I buy premium music softwer, its hard to find and explore which is top (I listen only classic and jazz) but I have a decent collection till now....
ciao nad have a nice weekend