Marantz NR1504 interface stuck

Gestart door mtk, maart 21, 2015, 11:52:56

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Hey, I have a Marantz NR1504, and besides the fact that both its web and app (which I guess uses the same API) interface could use a better look (we have passed the 90s I think) they both very often get stuck and become unresponsive.
In many occasion only a hard restart helps...

Firmware updates don't really state any changelog and only recent update have a single line saying something like "improved stability and perfo" (yes, line is cut).
In any case latest updates seem to have made it worse then it was before...

Sometimes when I access the web interface from chrome, I realised there is a JS error:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifierindex.js?201112230000:57 appStartindex.js?201112230000:1209 (anonymous function)
clearing the browser's cache helps, but not permanently.

The interface is still inaccessible on some cases.

Any idea what the problem might be and/or how could it be solved?