er was een tijdje een vraag om deze 2 spelers te vergelijken,
toevallig kwam ik een artikel tegen van iemand die beiden in zijn bezit heeft gehad,
enkele citaten ( is natuurlijk de mening van 1 persoon)
Overall, after a year or so, I tired of the SA71, as I found it to be too restrained for my taste, it never quite seemed to let go & boogie... You can sit back in wonder at the sound, but I didn't find it as musically involving as the older SA-1, which is now long in the tooth, and very hard to find... I replaced it with a LEEMA Antila, which beats SA7s1 musically, for me...
The SA7s1 is a good player, but I found it to sound like a bit of a soft ' brute ' and whilst detailed, does not have the precision allied with the enthusiastic musicality of the SA-1